In 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic, The Cute Syndrome Foundation (TCSF) recognized that most families were in crisis mode and desperately needed to feel connected during a time of extreme isolation. In response, TCSF established a virtual social and emotional programming that is still going strong three years later, thanks to the sponsorship of Neurocrine Biosciences!
As the pandemic began to settle, TCSF realized that providing year-round virtual activities is still imperative to our families, but it was now time to focus on engaging in more face-to-face fellowship activities. In early 2023, TCSF announced the CUTE Connections grant, and immediately families jumped on the opportunity to organize regional meet-ups.
In many cases, insurance covers the bare minimum for patients with rare genetic disorders like SCN8A, which leaves families footing the bill for necessary medical equipment, therapy devices, educational aids, medications, outpatient therapy costs, home and vehicle modifications, etc. The list is a mile long and the expenses add up quickly.
All of these out-of-pocket costs can create a financial burden that forces caregivers to make difficult choices about: choosing between life-saving medications or necessary medical equipment; choosing to sacrifice the physical health of their bodies because they cannot afford to remodel their bathroom to make it ADA accessible; choosing to pay for costly outpatient therapy instead of enjoying a family activity. In June The Cute Syndrome Foundation received a Rising Tides Grant from Child Neurology Foundation to lift a social and emotional support program off the ground. This program has included zoom yoga and family martial arts classes, food and drink discussion group, a book club and access to meal kits, mindfulness app subscriptions, and gift cards for yoga mats, books, etc. We knew this programming would be meaningful. However, as we dove into it, we began to realize just how much our community needed this—to feel supported, engaged, and connected. Also, simply, to have a bit of fun in the midst of everything. We are so grateful to Child Neurology Foundation for not only making this program possible, but doing so in a way that allowed us to quickly and flexibly respond to our community’s needs in real time. Here are two examples of how we were able to do use the funding, and what that gave the community. Book Club |
January 2025